Our teacher: Judith Vidales (Piano)
My name is Judith del Rocío Vidales Tinajera. I was born in Aguascalientes. Since I was a kid, my parents instilled in me the love for...

Summer School 2018
【アグアスで一番楽しいサマースクール 】お申し込み受付中です。 ¿Nada que hacer este verano?, no te quedes aburrido en casa, ven y diviértete en nuestro curso de verano...

MLS Mother's Day 2018
Thank you for coming to our Mother’s Day event. We hope you enjoyed it.

MLS English Class 2018 March-June
April We learned about the importance of having our classroom and place clean. We helped to clean the classroom. Aprendimos acerca de lo...

MLS Spring School 2018 Week 2
[Day 1] Today was a very fun day. We started classes learning a little about Easter history and common traditions like Easter words like...

MLS Italian Day
Today we had so much fun. We had the Italian day, we talked and played in Italian the whole day. First we learnt how to say "good...

MLS German Day
On the day of Germany, we had a basic German class, where we learned the alphabet, numbers, a bit about German culture, colors, and drew...

MLS Teachers Training
This last Saturday we had a training, it was given to us by Civil Defense. In this training they taught us the different types of fire,...

MLS Private Lessons 2018
MLSでは各種プライベートレッスンを提供しています。 ・英語・スペイン語・にほんご・フランス語・イタリア語・ピアノ・バイオリン・ドラム・ギター・幼児体操・体づくり・ヨガ・絵画・護身術・キックボクシング・学習フォロー・定期テスト対策・受験対策・検定対策(英検・漢検・スペイン...

MLS P.E. Class 2018
Baby Club & K1 March K2 March April K2 May K2 May Baby Club&K1 June