MLS School Trip 2018
Today we went on a school trip to a farm. We rode horses, took care of the hens, and ate corn. It was a great day! ...

【Our Stuff: Marisol Fuentes Cruz】
Hello! My name is Marisol Fuentes Cruz. Please call me Marisol. I am from Teocaltiche Jalisco México. I have lived in USA when I was 9....

MLS Art Project January-March
K2 & K3 Starry Night Sky K2 & K3 Wintry Trees Baby club & K1 Balloon stamp Baby Club & K1 Bubble Wrap Stamp K2 & K3 Optical Design K2 &K3...

MLS Kindergarten 2018 January-March
January Today we did an earthquake drill. Teachers explained what we an earthquake is and what we have to do to be safe. We did great. ...

MLS Lunch 2018 January-March
MLSではランチを提供しています。野菜たっぷりのおいしいランチを自園調理しています。 En el kinder se ofrece comida saludable, cocinamos con alimentos frescos y con muchas...

MLS Winter School 2017 Kindergarteners
[Day 1] Today was the first day of Winter School, the kids were excited, and some of them asked about their classmates. We introduced...

MLS Winter School 2017 Week 2 Elementary School
[Day 1 Elementary schoolers] Today in our first day of winter school, we learned a christmas song called holly jolly christmas with sign...

MLS Winter School Week 1
[Day 1] Today in English class we practiced our speaking abilities! We reviewed the letters of the alphabet and learned new words that...

MLS Christmas Festival 2017
Today we had our Christmas Festival. First, we sang altogether "Mi burrito sabanero" in Spanish altogether. K1 and babies group sang...

MLS Sports Day 2017
Thank you all for coming our Sports Day Event. It was great to have all parents and students here. We had fun in the activities, Relay...