Spring Camp Week B Day 5
Spring Camp Week B Day 5 Today was the last day of MLS Spring Camp 2017. In the morning we had an activity named “Fast Answer Race”. We...

Spring Camp Week B Day 4
Spring Camp Week B Day 4 In the morning we played a game named “Truth and Lie 2”. Today we didn’t play in groups. We tried to listen to...

Spring Camp Week B Day 3
In the morning, we did the activity named “True and Lie”. We answered “True" or “Lie" to the questions that Teacher Karla gave to us. For...

Spring Camp Week B Day 2
Spring Camp Week B Day 2 In the morning, we had an activity named “Unscramble Words”. We worked in groups to unscramble words. For...

Spring Camp B Day 1
Today we started Spring Camp Week B with 24 elementary schoolers. We have all activities in English with teacher Karla. In the morning...

Spring Camp A Day 5
朝のアクティビティは『Who wants to be a Millionaire?』「私たちは月に住んでいます」「猿には毛がいっぱい生えています」といったクイズにTrueかFalseのどちらかで答えます。クイズに正解するとチームのお金が増えますが、間違えると没収されてしまい...